Category: Life Extension

  • Calorie restriction appeals to people who want healthier — and perhaps longer — lives

    I’m still thinking about the Calorie Restriction Diet and to be honest, I’m still not sold: “Living longer is certainly tantalizing, but anyone who is doing this to slow their rate of aging might be on a goose chase,” said Bob Cavanaugh, spokesman for the Calorie Restriction Society, a nonprofit organization. You may find this…

  • When unhealthy foods hijack overeaters’ brains–+Health+news Food hijacked Dr. David Kessler’s brain…(Former FDA Commissioner)…research suggests millions share what he calls “conditioned hypereating” — a willpower-sapping drive to eat high-fat, high-sugar foods even when they’re not hungry. Sound familiar? “The food industry has figured out what works. They know what drives people to keep on eating,” Kessler tells The Associated Press.…

  • Ersatz calorie restriction

    Is living longer worth the price of spending it in perpetual dietary misery? Janet Raloff poses this exact question on Science News – Janet was covering the Experimental Biology meeting in New Orleans.  She picks out a nugget concerning Avacados, which may offer an alternative.  She describes the potential for a dietary supplement that…

  • Who decides when you die?

    A heart wrenching article from the Boston Globe today. The article was titled – Who decides when you die? …recount how an 83-year-old woman who had survived melanoma for more than seven years arrived in the hospital’s intensive care unit with an array of other ailments including kidney failure. The woman, speaking with great clarity,…

  • Daffodil Days

    The American Cancer Society’s Daffodil Days are here… As the first flower of spring, the daffodil is a symbol of hope. To the American Cancer Society, it represents the hope we all share for a future where cancer is no longer a life-threatening disease. You can provide hope to all people affected by the disease…

  • Ending the Atrocities of the FDA

    From, a new resource to this most humble web log… Ending the Atrocities of the FDA; Life Extension Urges Immediate Petition Action for Health Freedom (NaturalNews) What follows is a call-to-action article by William Faloon, founder of the Life Extension Foundation ( NaturalNews and LEF are working together to publish this information as widely…

  • What are the benefits of Mind Uploading?

    Michael Anissimov from the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies poses the question: What are the benefits of Mind Uploading? Universal mind uploading, or universal uploading for short, is the concept, by no means original to me, that the technology of mind uploading will eventually become universally adopted by all who can afford it, similar…

  • Motorized Nanobots!?

    The media is abuzz with the announcement of a 250 micrometer motor that could someday be used to power tiny robots that swim through human blood vessels. Will tiny nanobots or man-made molecular structures travel the human body performing marvelous medical miracles in the coming decades?  Absolutely! Damn that is so cool.  Nanotechnology is…

  • Exploring Life Extension

    A film by the Immortality Institute that explores various aspects of extreme life extension including cryonics (cryogenics), caloric restriction, transhumanism, and other scientific pursuits of extreme life extension.

  • American Heart Association clarifies the role Omega-6 Fatty Acids

    quoting from American Heart Association .org American Heart Association clarifies the role Omega-6 Fatty Acids A new American Heart Association science advisory concludes that omega-6 fatty acids – found in some vegetable oils, nuts and seeds – are a beneficial part of a heart-healthy eating plan. The advisory will be published in the Jan. 26 online…