Ending the Atrocities of the FDA

From NaturalHealthNews.com, a new resource to this most humble web log…

Ending the Atrocities of the FDA; Life Extension Urges Immediate Petition Action for Health Freedom

(NaturalNews) What follows is a call-to-action article by William Faloon, founder of the Life Extension Foundation (www.LEF.org). NaturalNews and LEF are working together to publish this information as widely as possible, calling for urgent action to end the FDA’s tyranny against the American people and the health supplements industry. Read this article and share this link with as many people as possible.

This article also asks for your support in signing an urgent grassroots petition that calls for immediate FDA reform..

I would normally go direct to the source, but credit should be given where due…many thanks to Natural News and we’ll be watching for more on this.

So what do you think?  Do you agree that the FDA needs reform?  Or does the FDA provide the United States Citizen with clear and affordable access to the appropriate medicine and health care?


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