What are the benefits of Mind Uploading?

Michael Anissimov from the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies poses the question:

What are the benefits of Mind Uploading?

Universal mind uploading, or universal uploading for short, is the concept, by no means original to me, that the technology of mind uploading will eventually become universally adopted by all who can afford it, similar to the adoption of modern agriculture, hygiene, or living in houses.

The concept is rather infrequently discussed, due to a combination of 1) its supposedly speculative nature and 2) its “far future” time frame…

You will note his timeframe of 2050 within the article for an expectation of when this technology may actually be ready.  Considering that I will be in my 80’s by that point, this remains of interest although I personally would rather a more biological solution before seeking out the all digitized solution.  How could a self remain the ‘self’ while not remaining connected to the biological engine?


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