Michael Snyder provides us all with a somewhat slightly negative view of Transhumanism.
Transhumanist Mark Pesce is even more extreme. He openly states that he believes that transhumanism will allow us “to become as gods”…
Changing how the exact quote was written to fit the tone of his article…
“Men die, planets die, even stars die. We know all this. Because we know it, we seek something more—a transcendence of transience, translation to incorruptible form. An escape if you will, a stop to the wheel. We seek, therefore, to bless ourselves with perfect knowledge and perfect will; To become as gods, take the universe in hand, and transform it in our image—for our own delight. As it is on Earth, so it shall be in the heavens. The inevitable result of incredible improbability, the arrow of evolution is lipping us into the transhuman – an apotheosis to reason, salvation – attained by good works. -Mark Pesce”
We never let quotes taken out of context ruin a good time now do we?
Regardless, a pretty good summary and glad to see it posted. It was picked up on Drudge Report, which has led to some interesting commenting from users that would otherwise spend time elsewhere.
Read the article here – http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/transhumanists-superhuman-powers-and-life-extension-technologies-will-allow-us-to-become-like-god
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