When unhealthy foods hijack overeaters’ brains


Food hijacked Dr. David Kessler’s brain…(Former FDA Commissioner)…research suggests millions share what he calls “conditioned hypereating” — a willpower-sapping drive to eat high-fat, high-sugar foods even when they’re not hungry.

Sound familiar?

“The food industry has figured out what works. They know what drives people to keep on eating,” Kessler tells The Associated Press. “It’s the next great public health campaign, of changing how we view food, and the food industry has to be part of it.”

Neuroscientists increasingly report that fat-and-sugar combinations in particular light up the brain’s dopamine pathway — its pleasure-sensing spot — the same pathway that conditions people to alcohol or drugs.

That’s just special.  I’ve been reading for years that foods have been prepared and specifically targeted to the brain’s pleasure zones.  Now we are hearing that it can be just as bad as booze/drugs.  But wait, the good news is that:

Physical activity targets the dopamine pathway, too, a healthy distraction…


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